Category: HIV & Aging Advocacy

  • Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs Celebrates HIV Long-term Survivors Awareness Day.

    Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs Celebrates HIV Long-term Survivors Awareness Day.

    Today, June 5, 2023, marks the 42nd anniversary of the first official reporting of what would become known as the AIDS epidemic. On this day in 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported five cases of a mysterious disease affecting young gay men. This was the beginning of the AIDS pandemic. In…

  • Resources for Long-Term Care

    Resources for Long-Term Care

    Resources for Long-Term Careby Alex Snell, MSW One topic that has come up frequently in our Roundtable conversations is long-term care. How will my needs be met if I become unable to fully care for myself? Will I be able to receive care at home? How will I pay for it? What planning do I need…

  • The Roundtable to share their experiences at this year’s Positively Aging Project Conference.

    The Roundtable to share their experiences at this year’s Positively Aging Project Conference.

    This year’s Positively Aging conference will feature a presentation on the LKAPS Roundtable as a way to address isolation and depression common in older adults with HIV. The Roundtable is our weekly drop-in discussion group where older adults with HIV can make connections and build community through conversations.  Roundtable facilitators Luis Villanueva, Bob Basque and Alex…

  • Announcing…the Roundtable!

    Announcing…the Roundtable!

      Merriam-Webster defines “roundtable” as a conference for discussion or deliberation by several participants. The Roundtable is our online discussion group, where we make connections and build community through conversation. Roundtable peer coordinators facilitate discussions of topics both serious and fun that include and allow everyone to participate. The Roundtable meets weekly on Tuesdays at 4:00 PM on Zoom. Subscribe to the LKAPS newsletter…

  • Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs co-sponsors this year’s Aging Positively + Reunion Project Conference

    Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs co-sponsors this year’s Aging Positively + Reunion Project Conference

    Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs is taking an active role as co-sponsor of this year’s Positively Aging + Reunion Project Conference on Saturday, September 18 — which is also National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day. The conference takes place virtually on Zoom from 9 AM to 2 PM, and is free and open to the public. Our…

  • Timothy Ray Brown

    Timothy Ray Brown

    People on FaceBook express their deep sadness at the passing of our friend Timothy Ray Brown.

  • Jax Kelly presents to AIDSWatch 2020

    Jax Kelly presents to AIDSWatch 2020

    AIDSWatch is the largest, constituent-based national HIV advocacy event.