Today, June 5, 2023, marks the 42nd anniversary of the first official reporting of what would become known as the AIDS epidemic. On this day in 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported five cases of a mysterious disease affecting young gay men. This was the beginning of the AIDS pandemic.

In honor of this day, HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day, Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs ( is hosting an event to raise awareness of the needs of long-term survivors of HIV. The event will feature guest speakers Richard Bass, founder and coordinator of Planning Ahead for LGBTQ+ Seniors (PALS), and Paul Edmonds, the fifth person cured of AIDS (Read Paul’s story with City of Hope). Jax Kelly, President of Let’s Kick ASS (AIDS Survivor Syndrome) Palm Springs, will moderate the event.
Let’s Kick ASS Palm Springs is a non-profit organization that helps long-term survivors overcome isolation by creating social connections, HIV & Aging Education, and Advocacy. Palm Springs has a large population of HIV long-term survivors, and this event is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the resilience of this community. This evening was sponsored by a grant from

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