The LKAPS Social Committee is working hard to keep us together during the Pandemic.

The LKAPS Social Committee has been working to keep our community spirit alive during this time of Covid restrictions. Our meeting for bimonthly coffee-time and the monthly Potlucks, were replaced by the Zoom Coffee-times on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and the Zoom Tea & Conversation on the 4th Sunday of each month.
After our summer schmoozes, getting to know each other, in late autumn we started inviting some interesting guests to join us: Dr. Jill Gover, of DAP Health helped us start the new year by having an interactive session on setting realistic goals (resolutions) and attaining them; Tez Andersen, LKA Co-founder, participated with us as a discussion leader, related to AIDS Survivor Syndrome (A.S.S.) and its impact during the Covid pandemic; we’ve also had uplifting presentations by motivational speakers, Gregg Cassin and blogger, Mark S. King. Mark will be returning to join us again February 7 @ Noon.
Most notably, on three different occasions, we’ve been privileged to host Dr. Rick Loftus, an Infectious Disease clinician and researcher. Dr. Loftus provided us with accurate updates about Covid-19, best practices on how to avoid catching the virus, the impact on people living with HIV, vaccine development and distribution, and the difference between the various vaccines being produced. Dr. Loftus will be joining us for a 4th visit on Sunday, March 28, 2021, @ 4pm – 5:30pm.
We are always looking for notable guests to share information and their experiences with us. With “Zoom” we can cast our nets far and wide, so if you have a suggestion, please contact the Social Committee! We would love to know what you’re thinking and what you’d like to see during the LKAPS online gatherings. Our “Zoom Coffee-times” continue each month, on the first and third Sundays at Noon; the Afternoon Tea & Conversation has replaced our Monthly Potluck on the fourth Sunday @ 4pm

If you participate online with another group, which wowed you, that we might emulate – again, please share. The Social Committee meets by Zoom each month on the second Wednesday, @ 4pm If you are unable join the meeting, e-mail your ideas to: Thank you. Stay safe & stay well.
Jonathan & Christopher
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