Jax Kelly
Jax has been a tireless advocate for health care for people living with HIV and people of color for more than 30 years. He assumed his first leadership role in HIV advocacy in 1991 serving as a board member of The Upper Room AIDS Ministry (now Harlem United). Diagnosed with HIV in 2006, he has served as President of LKAPS since May 2019.
Jax was recently appointed to the to the Equity in Aging Advisory Committee (EAAC) whose purpose is to advise the Newsom administration on the implementation of the Master Plan for Aging, as well as the California Department of Aging on the planning and implementation of aging and disability programs, services, data collection, and staff development.
Jax is treasurer of The Reunion Project, the national alliance of long-term survivors of HIV. He is a member of the California Planning Group, a community advisory board for the CDPH Office of AIDS, serving as co-chair of its HIV and Aging Committee. He also is a member of the Coachella Valley Senior Collaborative.Jax serves on the AIDS Clinical Trials Group and the HIV 50+ Strong and Healthy Program of NMAC (formerly the National Minority AIDS Coalition). He is a former commissioner of the L.A. County Commission on HIV and served as a member of its Priorities and Planning Committee.
Jax graduated from Yale University, received an MBA from New York University and a juris doctorate from Fordham University School of Law. He expects to complete his MPH degree at USC in Health Services and Policy in August 2022. Email Jax
Carl Wyckoff
Carl Wyckoff, a Denver transplant and HIV-positive, Carl has experience managing the books of businesses and non-profits. Email Carl
Tim Hoeffgen
I have been HIV positive since 1989 and I have lived in Palm Springs since 2015. I previously worked in HIV prevention in Massachusetts and have been a volunteer for LKAPS since its inception in 2015. Email Tim
Bob Armstrong
Bob Armstrong, an Old Dominion graduate from Virginia. After college he moved to New York City until he relocated to DC in 1994. Bob was diagnosed in 1996 and went on to leadership positions on the Cherry Fund and various co-op boards. Following his retirement in 2012 he has been living in Palm Springs since. Email Bob
Roundtable Discussion Group
The Roundtable is our weekly drop-in discussion group, where we make connections and build community through conversation. Peer coordinators facilitate discussions of topics both serious and fun that include and allow everyone to participate. The Roundtable meets on Zoom on Tuesdays at 4 PM and in person at 1900 E. Tahquitz Canyon Drive on Fridays at 5:30 PM. Contact for more information.
Roundtable facilitators:
Blaine Haws
Scott Cohen
Andrew Taines
Tom Peterson
Michael Harbin
Jax Kelly, Chair
Tim Hoeffgen, Member
Jax Kelly, Chair
Jeff Taylor, Member
Ken Vergonet, Chair Email Ken
To volunteer for the Social Committee contact: the Communications Committee contact: If you would like information about the Roundtable Discussion group contact